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Flight BA 1473 British Airways: Glasgow (GLA) — London (LHR)

Other flights on the route Glasgow — London
Flights on the route London — Glasgow
All flights of airline British Airways
Nearest scheduled flight BA1473:
Airline British Airways
07:50  GMT 0
23 january, thursday
Total flight time: 1 h. 35 min.
Distance: 554 km.
09:25  GMT 0
23 january, thursday
Which plane performs flight BA 1473: Airbus A318/A319/A32
* Time of departure and arrival is local.
Departure: GLA
Terminal: M
On scheduled:
07:50  GMT 0
Departure through 17 h. 43 min. on schedule
Arrival: LHR
Terminal: 5
On scheduled:
09:25  GMT 0
Arrives on schedule
Average delay time for departure BA 1473:   21 min.
on time
< 15 min.
15-30 min.
30-45 min.
45-60 min.
> 60 min.
Completed flights BA 1473:
Date Scheduled departure Scheduled arrival Actual departure time Actual arrival time
28 november  TH 07:50  GMT+ 09:25  GMT+ 07:46  GMT+  -4 min. 09:19  GMT+  -6 min.
27 november  WE 07:50  GMT+ 09:25  GMT+ 08:14  GMT+  +24 min. 09:46  GMT+  +21 min.
26 november  TU 07:50  GMT+ 09:25  GMT+ 08:40  GMT+  +50 min. 10:13  GMT+  +48 min.
25 november  MO 07:50  GMT+ 09:25  GMT+ 08:30  GMT+  +40 min. 10:05  GMT+  +40 min.
23 november  SA 07:50  GMT+ 09:25  GMT+ 07:41  GMT+  -9 min. 08:55  GMT+  -30 min.
20 november  WE 07:50  GMT+ 09:25  GMT+ 07:45  GMT+  -5 min. 08:57  GMT+  -28 min.
19 november  TU 07:50  GMT+ 09:25  GMT+ 07:49  GMT+  -1 min. 09:02  GMT+  -23 min.
18 november  MO 07:50  GMT+ 09:25  GMT+ 08:26  GMT+  +36 min. 09:41  GMT+  +16 min.
17 november  SU 07:50  GMT+ 09:25  GMT+ 07:57  GMT+  +7 min. 09:10  GMT+  -15 min.
16 november  SA 07:50  GMT+ 09:25  GMT+ 07:45  GMT+  -5 min. 09:11  GMT+  -14 min.
13 november  WE 07:50  GMT+ 09:25  GMT+ 07:47  GMT+  -3 min. 09:22  GMT+  -3 min.
12 november  TU 07:50  GMT+ 09:25  GMT+ 08:08  GMT+  +18 min. 09:41  GMT+  +16 min.
11 november  MO 07:50  GMT+ 09:25  GMT+ 08:23  GMT+  +33 min. 09:53  GMT+  +28 min.
10 november  SU 07:50  GMT+ 09:25  GMT+ 08:28  GMT+  +38 min. 10:08  GMT+  +43 min.
06 november  WE 07:50  GMT+ 09:25  GMT+ 07:58  GMT+  +8 min. 09:09  GMT+  -16 min.
05 november  TU 07:50  GMT+ 09:25  GMT+ 07:42  GMT+  -8 min. 09:10  GMT+  -15 min.
04 november  MO 07:50  GMT+ 09:25  GMT+ 08:24  GMT+  +34 min. 09:42  GMT+  +17 min.
03 november  SU 07:50  GMT+ 09:25  GMT+ 07:56  GMT+  +6 min. 09:24  GMT+  -1 min.
02 november  SA 07:50  GMT+ 09:25  GMT+ 08:07  GMT+  +17 min. 09:33  GMT+  +8 min.
18 december  MO 07:50  GMT+ 09:25  GMT+ 08:26  GMT+  +36 min. 09:41  GMT+  +16 min.

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